Why is Efficient Product Discovery Must for Today’s eCommerce Businesses?

While every eCommerce engine does the job to help customers find what they are searching for, more importance is paid to those who do this job at ease. Few tools simplify product discovery and improve customer experience by eliminating the frustration involved in the product search experience.

According to reports, 68% of poor search results are associated with a poor on-site search engine, which is either poorly optimised or doesn’t have features to serve modern customers. If you are struggling with poor conversation and sales, your product discovery strategy may be the problem. Let’s understand this and how to revamp it at ease.

A Quick Glance to Product Discovery

Put simply; product discovery is the process to get insights from your customers and their intent to make a purchase. It is a crucial step in the evolving eCommerce industry because it helps understand the customers and serve their needs.

Shoppers visit your eCommerce website with different purchase intentions. To better define this, we have separated these into two grades: if the shoppers visit your website, search for the exact product, they have high intent. But, if the shoppers come, browse casually, with unsurety of what they are looking for, they are likely to have low to medium intent.

Whatever is the case, exclusiveness is a crucial key to each customer’s experience with product discovery/search journey on your online store. If you want to understand the searcher’s intent, it is vital to monitor and analyse their online behaviour.

AI-Powered Search Engine is the right tool to address this issue leading to poor customer satisfaction. With AI-powered search engines, your website gets the ability to learn from the data, automatically collected, from the users. It extracts the most accurate and valuable data to deliver the most relevant search experiences.


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