
Showing posts from July, 2021

Essential Features to Consider in PIM Solution

Over time, several products are added to the product catalogs and there is a lot to do besides just adding products and their description. The process includes adding elements like references, numbers, images, videos, translation, localization, custom attributes, and documentation that becomes impossible to manage single-handedly. That’s where the PIM software works with its number of features, such as Catalog Management When the new products/services add to your business, updating your catalog becomes necessary to show new products. PIM allows businesses to create a new catalog, product promotion, and detailing the price with offers and discounts. Leveraging the PIM system, businesses can share the catalog, across the subsites, multiple vendors, and eCommerce channels. Bulk Editing An eCommerce business promotes its brand and product on multiple channels. You may need to edit product information anytime for any reason. Editing the data distributed on multiple channels requires time a...

How to Implement Product Information Management in Your Business?

Today, more and more businesses use product information management to manage crucial product information in a consolidated way. Robust PIM solution simplifies the organizational tasks by maintaining the product information precisely and effectively. Product information management tools not only allow organizations to manage the important product information data in one platform but also deliver groundbreaking customer experience. Online marketing usually depends on how the product is displayed on the website. Customers are always attracted to the website and product that offers complete and accurate product information. PIM tools manage to deliver complete product information in a precise way easily and effectively to the customers anytime and anywhere. Whether you’re a small business or large enterprise, product information management is a must to consider if you're looking forward to business growth. For the most favorable outcomes, partnering with a professional company like UN...

Everything You Need to Know About Online Shop Search Engine

When most businesses have shifted online, it becomes important to learn about the most valuable marketing strategies to grow faster and mark your presence over the internet. With the plenty of options to market your products online, it can be tough to distinguish between the best digital marketing strategies. If you’re owning an eCommerce website and struggling for desired outcomes, partner with UNB XD today! Taking your business online is easy but driving favorable traffic is a challenging task. Partnering with UNBXD helps eCommerce businesses with better growth using AI-Powered PIM services. With the sole aim of promoting your digital eCommerce across the globe, we provide better online shop search engines to customers to get them connected to the product they are searching for. We take effective approaches for all business verticals such as Fashion, Mass Merchant, Home Decor, Auto Parts, Healthcare and Pharma. Learn how we help eCommerce businesses to grow more and increase revenue...

How To Leverage PIM Solution To Transform Your Operations?

Opposing the common belief across the industries, Product information management system is not a complex and resource-consuming platform. In fact, it saves time, money, and resources compared to human power deployment. You can leverage significant benefits from omnichannel consistency and accuracy if you follow the following PIM practices. In this post, we’ll talk about five proven practices to use PIM Tools effectively. Define Roles & Responsibilities Deploying a PIM system for product content/information management can boost your workflow and eliminate errors. Depending on your organizational needs, it can benefit your marketing team, eCommerce managers, and even external teams collaborating in the process to create product content. A PIM software can manage multiple aspects of your business. For this reason, it is crucial to define the roles & responsibilities before implementation. You can choose from the following permissions: Create product attribute Read product att...

Get seamless PIM solutions with Unbxd PIM

Unboxd PIM is like owning your digital shelf. You could now receive product information from all your multiple sources in native file formats and produce enriched content ready to be published anywhere. Unboxed PIM tool gives you the freedom and comfort of a single, centralized source of information for all product data in a simple and intuitive user experience. PIM systems help manage customer-facing product data needed to support multiple geographic locations, multi-lingual data, and maintenance and modification of product information within a centralized catalogue. Product information kept by a business can be scattered throughout departments and held by employees or systems. Instead of being available centrally, data may be saved in various formats or only be available in hard copy form. PIM represents a PIM solution for centralized, media-independent product data maintenance and efficient data collection, enrichment, data governance, and output. With Unboxd PIM, you have the adv...

5 Proven Practices To Use PIM Tools Effectively

Opposing the common belief across the industries, Product information management system is not a complex and resource-consuming platform. In fact, it saves time, money, and resources compared to human power deployment. You can leverage significant benefits from omnichannel consistency and accuracy if you follow the following PIM practices. In this post, we’ll talk about five proven practices to use PIM Tools effectively. Define Roles & Responsibilities Deploying a PIM system for product content/information management can boost your workflow and eliminate errors. Depending on your organizational needs, it can benefit your marketing team, eCommerce managers, and even external teams collaborating in the process to create product content. A PIM software can manage multiple aspects of your business. For this reason, it is crucial to define the roles & responsibilities before implementation. You can choose from the following permissions: Create product attribute Read product a...